Self Portrait 5/1/11 | 1:50 pm | Rexburg, Idaho | f/3.8 | 1/60 sec | Nikon D3100

Laila Grace 6/14/11 | 6:56 pm | Rexburg, Idaho | f/5.6 | 1/50 sec | Nikon D3100 | Turned Sepia in Lightroom. Brightened eyes in Photoshop using brush tool.

Joelle with Guitar 5/19/11 | 3:32 pm | Rexburg, Idaho | f/5.6 | 1/50 sec | Nikon D3100 | Darkened background using adjustment brush in Camera Raw. Used brush tool in Photoshop to smooth skin.

Pelicans | 5/7/11 | 2:32 pm | Idaho Falls Zoo | f/11 | 1/500 sec | Nikon D3100 | Increase saturation and contrast in Camera Raw. Also added a vignette in Camera Raw.

The Truck again | 5/25/11 | Bannack, MT |3:03 pm | f/5.6 | 1/2500 sec | Nikon D3100 | Increased sats ad contrast in Camera Raw. Added filter Poster Edges in Photoshop.

Black Kettle | 6/11/11 | 5:02 pm | Ashton, Idaho | f/14 (yea, it was set wrong) | 1/125 sec | Nikon D3100

Beads | 6/11/11 | 4:19 pm | Ashton, Idaho |f/5.6 | 1/100 sec | Nikon D3100 | Increased sats and contrast in Camera Raw. Added burned border by selecting using the rectangle marquee tool, copied the layer, and chose blend mode Multiply.

Purple | 6/13/11 | 7:56 pm |Rexburg, Idaho | f/5.6 | 1/60 sec | Nikon D3100

Bud | 6/13/11 | 7:40 pm | Rexburg, Idaho | f/5.6 | 1/60 sec | Nikon D3100

Light through the Trees | 6/3/11 | 10:51 pm | Garden city, Utah |f/36 | 1/4000 sec | Nikon D3100 | Border added by first adding canvas size, then using the rectangle shape tool on New Shape mode, filling with color. Then changing to Fill Pixels, and adding a black mask (alt-mask) deleted the inside shape. then chose motion blur to get the blur on 45 and 0 degrees. Changed the opacity of the layer.

Mountain Man Panorama 6/11/11 | 3:25 pm | Ashton, Idaho | f/16 | 1/400 sec | Nikon D3100